This page contains each of the games produced as part of the research, presented in the order they appear in the dissertation.
It is preferred that you download and play each game as either a Windows or MacOSX application. If this is not feasible, or they are running slow on your computer, all games are also playable in the browser window, and I have provided a video playthrough for the sake of accessibility.
These downloadable builds, browser-based builds, and relevant instructions for engaging with each game can be found on the individual game pages. If you wish to stop playing a downloadable build, press Command + Q on MacOSX, or ALT + F4 on Windows. If you wish to stop playing a browser build, simply close the browser window.
Please note that your mouse cursor may become displaced in the browser builds, due to a quirk in Unity's WebGL platform. If this occurs, simply restart the webpage to fix it.